
Do Valentine's Day the hand-made Hollychocs way this year

Do Valentine's Day the hand-made Hollychocs way...

Love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is here to stay in our giving calendars! For many, this is a last-minute dash to the shops to grab a bunch of...

Do Valentine's Day the hand-made Hollychocs way...

Love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is here to stay in our giving calendars! For many, this is a last-minute dash to the shops to grab a bunch of...

Ooops....I did it again!

Ooops....I did it again!

I've only gone and won another GOLD award for my seasonal chocolate box at the Taste of the West awards.......woo hoo!!!!  If that was not enough to have me doing...

Ooops....I did it again!

I've only gone and won another GOLD award for my seasonal chocolate box at the Taste of the West awards.......woo hoo!!!!  If that was not enough to have me doing...